All our garments pollute the Fast Fashion.That is to say: they are made with love, with sustainable materials and by people who work in small workshops in fair working conditions.

Outstanding collections
Our clients think
  • 5 Star Review  Estoy encantada con el, se ve precioso en la foto, pero en la realidad es espectacular. Estiliza y su estampado es una pasada

    Vestido botanic love Image
    Botanical love dress
    October 30, 2022
  • 5 Star Review  Very comfortable and flattering. Very bright and very good quality colors. The first one I bought was the blue and I liked it so much that I also asked for red and green.

    isabel top red Image
    isabel top red
    December 22, 2022
  • 5 Star Review  Lo estrené hoy y me encanta .
    Es súper original y fácil de llevar .
    No pesa nada y el tacto es muy agradable.
    Llevaba tiempo queriendo comprarlo pero no me decidía ya que me cuesta comprar on line.
    Repetiré seguro.Muchas gracias.

    March 22, 2023
  • 5 Star Review  Beautiful dress! I was very surprised when I have received it, it has a beautiful color that I do not appreciate well in the photo, when I opened the halluciné package.
    It is magical, vintage .... Every day the house surprises me more !!!!

    Vestido herbs Image
    herbal dress
    August 2, 2023
  • 5 Star Review  Jersey espectacular. Su tacto y su estampado son una maravilla. Calentito y amplio. Además es super favorecedor.

    Jersey blanket granate Image
    Maroon blanket jumper
    December 12, 2022
  • 5 Star Review  Una maravilla de vestido, me transporta al bosque, al campo, me haces sentirme en la naturaleza. Su tacto es adorable, y su estampado una joya. La ropa de la Casita de Wendy me pone contenta!!!!

    Vestido herbs Image
    herbal dress
    September 2, 2023
  • 5 Star Review  Es un vestido muy especial, con un estampado original y con una forma que favorece muchísimo. Mi vestido favorito del verano ❤️

    vestido BUTTERFLY Image
    BUTTERFLY dress
    July 28, 2024
  • 5 Star Review  Great, wonderful, a day to day

    Mochila Handy Escritoras para Lefrik Image
    Handy Writers Backpack for Lefrik
    December 22, 2022